Why birds do not fly over Lord Jagannath Temple in Puri?

One of these claims is that neither birds nor airplanes fly over the Lord Jagannath Temple in Puri. Is it real? If so, why does it occur? Read on to learn the solutions.


In addition to its spiritual significance, the Jagannath Temple in Puri draws a large number of pilgrims, scholars and clergy from both India and globally because of a number of mysteries and claims that occasionally defy reason and science.

One of these claims is that neither birds nor airplanes fly over the Lord Jagannath Temple in Puri. Is it real? If so, why does it occur? Read on to learn the solutions.

Researchers and religious leaders have offered both mythological and scientific justifications for the same over time.

Why don’t birds fly over the temple of Lord Jagannath in Puri?

According to religious doctrine, Lord Jagannath is carried by “Garuda Dev,” the king of birds who is highly revered in Hindu mythology. According to the Rigveda, Lord Jagannath is thought to be Lord Vishnu’s incarnate, hence Garuda carries his temple. Garuda Dev is the celestial eagle that serves as Lord Vishnu’s chariot.

Therefore, it is thought that since Garuda Dev is the king of birds, he is personally carrying and guarding the temple, which is why birds avoid flying over it. The priests and believers hold this as their religious conviction.

How does science respond?

Scientists and scholars contend that because Jagannath Temple is situated in coastal Odisha, where strong winds are present, it is challenging for birds to fly at great altitudes. The Jagannath Temple is almost 1000 feet tall.

Why aren’t airplanes flying over the Jagannath Temple?

Due to the existence of the Nilachakra, Puri is generally not included in any flying routes, hence airplanes are not allowed to fly over the Jagannath Puri temple. The Jagannath Temple Puri is topped by the Nilchakra, an eight-metal Chakra. According to rumors, this metal interferes with wireless communications, making it risky to operate airplanes nearby. For this reason, it is widely held that aircraft do not fly above Jagannath temple.