The Kondh Tribe

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Tribes Odisha: The Kondhs or the Kui are one of the largest tribal group in Odisha. Their highest concentration is found in the blocks of Rayagada, Kashipur, Kalyansinghpur, Bissam cuttack and Muniguda.

Socio-Cultural Life

Kondhs have a subsistence economy based on hunting but now a days  primarily they depend on a subsistence agriculture.

The tribe celebrates three principal festivals in a year namely, the semi jatra, the mohua jatra and the chawal dhua jatra which stand for eating the new crops of beans, roasted mahua preparations, and new rice respectively.

They observe a number of ceremonies in order to please the Gods and ancestors by offering sacrifices. Of all Gods, the Goddess Earth, is considered as most important.

Cousin-marriage on either the maternal or paternal side is considered impossible. Girls are usually chosen for marriage from a different village. Marriage is settled after the bride price is fixed.


The Kondhs are famous in history for their Meriah (human) sacrifice. Human sacrifices were offered to the Earth-Goddess to propitiate her. It was believed by Kondhs that this would ensure good crops and keep the village free from diseases and accidents.

According to Captain Macpherson (1846), the word Kondh means” mountaineer”, derived from the Telugu word ko or ku, signifying a hill or mountain. These tribals still continue to call themselves as ‘Kui people’.

The kondhs are a Dravidian tribe but no mythology or legend is yet to be discovered related to their origin or place of descent.

However, they believe themselves to be in Odisha, from the beginning of human civilization. The Kondhs had never come under foreign domination of the British or the Muslims.

At present the Kondhs are identified as Desia Kondhs, Dongria Kondhs and Kutia Kondhs. Desia Kondhs are found in and around Phulbani district, where as the Kutia Kondhs are mostly seen in Baliguda subdivision of Phulbani district. Dongria Kondhs inhabit Koraput district of Odisha.