Bela Pana: The Popular Summer-Drink Of Odisha

There are a tonne of delicious and healthful summertime drinks in Odisha that are simple to make at home.


With temperatures in the capital of Odisha now raising , the oppressive heat has already begun to set in.

There are a tonne of delicious and healthful summertime drinks in Odisha that are simple to make at home. They are also easily accessible in stores. Bela pana is one of them.

Drinking of Pana has traditionally remained a cultural activity in every household of the state.

Even though “Bela Pana” is made for Pana Sankranti or Odia New Year, it is beneficial to health in the summer. This mouthwatering flavour will quickly revive you.

It has several therapeutic properties. The Bela pulp is mashed with water, then shredded coconut, mashed banana, chhena, black pepper powder, and other spices are added.

It is also the most sought-after drink of Odias during the summer months.

The fruit is not only rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, it has several medicinal properties. Bael is used extensively in Ayurveda and all parts of the tree are used in preparing traditional medicines. The tree’s leaves are also offered to Lord Shiva.